photo of a river taken whilst walking using the Walksport app

Why I Walk

I walk everyday. Literally.

On 8 December 2023 (the one year anniversary of the WalkSport app) my walking streak was 365 days. Walking is just part of my day. It's a daily habit that I love. Walking makes me feel good and it makes me calm. In the 'old days' when I didn't walk, I wasn't as productive. I remember that little things got to me and big things broke me. 

Walking allows me to feel that I have some control over my body, and it makes my body and my mind feel strong and resilient. Walking creates space, to allow me to think and plan, or it gives me time to listen to a podcast or music. It allows me to not feel guilty for eating and drinking whatever I want, which is great because I love food. I love being outside, looking around, and taking in the world around me. I love walking in the rain and when it's cold (I just put on more clothes). I don't even mind walking when it's hot.

Walking puts me in situations where I can help people around me. I can swoop in and pick something up for someone then just keep walking. I can help someone up stairs or a person negotiating a little hill in a wheelchair. I chat with people who seem to want a chat.  I pat dogs and chat to them.

group of Walksport app users on a walk

When I'm in a new place, I walk. It's a great way to discover the environment around you, to see and experience things that you wouldn't notice if you were in a car, a bus or even if you were riding a bike.

I choose to walk instead of driving or catching public transport sometimes because it feels good getting from A to B "under my own steam". I incorporate walking into my every day without thinking too much about it - it's just part of my day. I set goals for myself, sometimes goals in the moment, and sometimes daily, weekly and monthly goals. And then, when I hit my goal, I say a little 'good on you' to myself - out loud!!

Walking works for me.

365 day walking streak recorded on the Walksport walking tracker app
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